Revision of 2015


Constitution as approved April 1, 2009

Amended and approved February 5, 2014 and

April 1, 2015 and June 12, 2017


By-Laws amended by the Board on

February 5, 2014 and April 1, 2015 and November 10, 2016

And January 12, 2017 and February 1, 2017 and February 7, 2019 and May 13, 2019 and October 1, 2021 and August 8, 2022












Constitution - Preamble and Articles I-VI

PREAMBLE – The purposes of our CLUB are:

  1. To play golf.

  2. To promote sociability among our members.


The name of this organization shall be PAR HOPERS GOLF CLUB and shall be referred to as the CLUB.

The Board will determine the home course as conditions dictate.

ARTICLE II – Membership

The membership is limited to men, at least 60 years of age, with a high code of ethics and a genuine love for golf. Annual dues shall be determined by the Board.

ARTICLE III – Officers

The CLUB officers shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Head Starter, and Statistician. The President and Vice President shall be elected Board members. The appointed members may serve unlimited years as approved annually by the Board. The elected Board members may serve only 3 consecutive years.

ARTICLE IV – Board of Directors

The governing body of the Club shall be ten (10) Directors of which six shall be elected by the Club members. Two (2) new Directors are elected each year to serve a three (3) year term. The remaining four (Treasurer, Secretary, Head Starter, and Statistician) shall be appointed by the Board to serve one (1) year terms. All ten (10) shall have full voting power and appoint committees necessary for the Club operation. The elected members shall wait three (3) years after the end of their term before being eligible to accept a nomination. If an elected Director resigns or is unable to complete their term, a replacement shall be selected by the Board to complete the unexpired term. A member appointed to complete an unexpired term is eligible to accept a nomination at the end of that term.



ARTICLE V – Election

An annual election shall be held to elect two Board members.

Detailed election procedures are covered in the By-Laws ARTICLE IX Section 2.

ARTICLE VI – Duties of the Officers

Section 1 - President – He shall be the chief executive officer of the Club and preside over all Club and Board meetings. He shall have general supervision of the administration of Club affairs. He is an unofficial member of all committees, except the Election Committee. He shall serve as host of all Club social functions. He shall appoint members thatare needed for unplanned needs of the Club.

Section 2 - Vice President – He shall assist the President. If the President is unable to perform his duties, he shall be acting President during that period.

Section 3 – Treasurer – He shall have charge of the financial affairs of the Club, subject to the control of the Board. He shall have full authority to collect dues and other accounts due the Club. He shall pay all bills and keep regular records of accounts and transactions. He shall render a statement of accounts when requested by the Board, and at the fall meeting. The financial records shall be annually audited by a committee of three appointed by the Board prior to the fall meeting. Additional audits may be requested by the President or the membership. The funds shall be kept in a Bank insured by the FDIC. Withdrawal of the funds shall be by check or electronic transfer signed by or authorized by the: Treasurer; President; or Secretary, in that order as dictated by availability.

Section 4 – Secretary – He shall attend all Board meetings and keep a detail record of the transacted business in a book kept for that purpose and of which he shall have custody. The book shall be available for inspection by any member. He shall conduct all Club correspondence. He shall only respond to special requests authorized by the President.

Section 5 – Head Starter – He is responsible for operation of the Starters Table. He shall also ensure instructions are given to the score keeper for each group to deposit the card in the box at the end of the round.

He is also to ensure timely posting of pending events and instructions.

Section 6 – Statistician – He shall post scores and calculate handicaps in accordance with methods approved by the Board.




By-Laws - Articles VII – XIII

ARTICLE VII – Duties of the Board of Directors

The Board shall control and manage all the affairs of the Club and may exercise all the powers not expressly reserved to members.

The Board shall prescribe the rate and conditions of income, such as dues or other assessments that may be required.

A majority of Board members may at any official meeting and for due cause require forfeiture of any membership in the Club.

A majority of the Board members may at any official meeting and for due cause require the removal of any Board Member.

The Board shall, within 10 days of the fall meeting, elect the President and Vice President for the following year. The President and Vice President shall be current elected Directors and be elected for each office by a majority of the remaining elected Board members.

The Board may appoint any member in good standing to fill a vacancy on the Board and appoint other committees for new functions.

The Board shall hold meetings as called by the President or as requested by 2 Board members.

ARTICLE VIII –Membership Categories

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP is from April to October of each year. All paid up members shall have all Club privileges regarding scheduled play dates.

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS shall be awarded to all members who reach age 80 by April 1st and have 15 years of continuous membership. The only special privilege is they no longer pay dues.

HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP may be conferred by the entire Board to a member for exceptional service to the Club. The only special privilege is they no longer pay dues.

SUPER SENIORS are members who are age 80 by April 1 of the current year and have paid up dues and are in good standing.



ARTICLE IX – Standing Committees

Section 1 – Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall provide publicity and other resources to promote the Club membership. They give each new member a packet that contains: the Welcome letter; Constitution/By Laws; Rules of Play; and Schedule.

Section 2 – Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall submit a list of 2 members for each Director position to be elected each fall. Candidates must have been contacted to ensure they will serve on the Board, if elected. Other members can be nominated at large by a petition signed by five (5) Club members with paid up dues and in good standing. Nominations close the first play date in August to allow time to print ballots, complete with pictures, so voting can begin by the first play date in September. Voting ends the last play day of the year.

Section 3 – Rules and Competitions Committee

The Rules and Competitions Committee ensures that rules for league play and competitions are current at the beginning of each season and addresses any changes that may be necessary over the course of the season.

Section 4 – Election Committee

Election Committee shall immediately count all ballots after the election and advise the President of the winning candidates. In the event of a tie, the winning candidate shall be determined by a flip of a coin. The election results shall remain secret until announced by the President at the Fall Banquet.

Section 5 – Events Committee

The Events Committee is responsible for arrangements for the regular Club social events and Membership meetings.

Article X – Play and Competitions

Section 1 – Official Rounds of Play

Official rounds are defined as those completed when riding carts are allowed by the course and 20 or more players have submitted a score card for 9 holes. Members are assigned to play groups, usually foursomes, on a first come first served basis at the Starters Table.

Section 2 – Team Events

For rounds without an individual score, such as scrambles, each participating member’s average score will be recorded as their score for that day.

Section 3 – Tee Selection

Members who are age 75 by April 1 of the current year and have paid up dues and are in good standing as of their first round each year have the option to tee off from the forward or from the white tees. They must play from that initially selected set of tees for the entire season as that is the basis for their handicap.

Section 4 – Club Competitions

Each year, the following competitions are normally played: Club Scramble; Club Match Play; Club Championship; and Super Senior Club Championship. All competitions except the Scramble are handicapped stroke play events. Other competitive events may be scheduled prior to the beginning of the season. To qualify for individual events, members must have completed five (5) or more official rounds to be eligible to participate. Due to some members missing official rounds because of ailments, those who had played at least five (5) official rounds in the previous year, thereby establishing a handicap, would be eligible to participate in individual and championship events in the current year. The handicaps and rounds played will be obtained from the Statistician.

Section 5 – Hole-in-One

Any member who hits a ‘hole in one’ during an official round will receive $200. The score card must be signed by all members of the group and given to a Board member.

Section 6 – Other Events

A member may propose a special event by submitting the specific details to the Board for their consideration. If the event is other than one for play by our Club, it shall be scheduled on a day that does not conflict with the Par Hoper schedule. If approved by the Board, the member shall be responsible for organizing and operating the event.


ARTICLE XI – Regular Meetings

Section 1 – Spring Members Meeting

A spring members meeting shall be held just prior to the start of the season to acquaint members with any new Rules of Play and Club plans for the season, and to rejuvenate social contacts for the new season.

Section 2 – Summer Picnic

A summer picnic shall be held on a scheduled golf day in commemoration of the new season and sociability.

Section 3 – Annual Fall Members Meeting

The annual fall members meeting shall be held promptly after the end of scheduled play each season. This meeting will be to recognize the winners of the individual events, award prizes, give recognition to the outgoing Board members, and announce the winning candidates for the Board. Committee reports will be presented as well as any other important Club items. Members can also pay dues for the upcoming season.

Section 4 – Additional Meetings

Special Meetings of the Club may be called by the Board upon written request of 10 members with paid up dues and in good standing.

Section 5 – Board Meetings

Board meetings shall be held by order of the Club President or as requested by 2 current Board members.

ARTICLE XII – Amendments

Section 1 – Constitution

The Constitution may be altered, added to, amended, or rescinded only at a meeting of the membership at which a quorum is present (more than half of the membership). Affirmative vote by 2/3 of the members present is required for such amendments to be made.

Section 2 – By-Laws

The By-Laws may be altered, added to, amended, or rescinded at any Board meeting at which a quorum is present (six of the Directors). Affirmative vote by a minimum of five is required for such amendments to be made.

ARTICLE XIII – Parliamentary Authority

Roberts Rules of Order shall be the final authority on all questions of parliamentary law not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws. The Board shall decide all questions of interpretation.